Soul Activation

A Personal Journey with Fleur as Your Guide

It’s not about finding yourself but creating yourself with love and authenticity.

As a holistic practitioner and spiritual mentor, my mission is to help others become conscious of their entrapment and reconnect with their inner creative power.


Change is the only constant and as an evolving being, you are changing all the time… But the old stories, limiting beliefs, and other programs keep you stuck and prevent your growth.

All those resistances often lead the way, and a big part of the recalibrating process is to become aware of what you are resisting. What is keeping you small? What is preventing you to shine unapologetically?

This discovery is a profound alchemical experience where you can discover that your pain, your darkness, and your greatest fears are actually the doorways toward your wisdom and greatest strength.

You are a powerful being and the way you see yourself sets up the level of abundance you can receive in your life.

This journey has many ups and downs, it is challenging but it is also deeply rewarding. I can also say from personal experience that we are not meant to do this alone and that it makes a great difference to have some support along the way.

Among all the places you could have brought your attention today you are here, on this page and I believe this is not by chance.

I am inviting you to feel this invitation.

If it’s a full body “F*CK YES!”, let’s talk!

The Process Of Healing

Science is catching up with what many of us as healers and intuitive have been doing for years. It is clear now that the meaning we give our life impacts our DNA, our health, our life choices, our longevity, and more.

Understanding your unique energy is a great way towards healing. Begin this journey and you will create a life that is aligned with your authentic self. The more alignment you have, the more meaningful and rich your life becomes.

These 3 programs have been created to progressively unfold and uncover who you are as a radical unleashing and reclamation of yourself.

This is a sacred container and space for healing, support, guidance, and time for you to reclaim your power and step fully into your own knowing.

As your awareness increases, it allows you to be assertive, set boundaries and create healthy relationships with yourself and others, practice self-care, pursue your interests and goals, and feel proud of who you are.

Soul Activation Includes

Healing sessions via video conference where depending of the need we get to release blockages, reduce stress, and enhance the body's natural healing abilities. Over time, regular energy healing can lead to improved physical, emotional, and spiritual health, fostering a sense of harmony and vitality in one's life.

We will stay connected in-between sessions and extra support will be provided to build a daily Soul Practice.

Journaling will be an important part of your integration phase in between sessions to unpack what arises and get a timeline of your emotional state.

Practical Bonuses The bonuse(s) provided will support the development of your personal spiritual practice in the long term, way beyond our time together.

Are you ready to release blockages and past life wounds that have held you back from owning your spiritual power?

This is for you if you are READY to

☼ Reconnect with your Soul like you never have before to move forward in your life in effortless flow with source energy and the universe.

☼ Redefine your story from a place of awareness.

☼ Understand the story you’re living right now (recognize the pattern in your life and where that story came from).

☼ Know who you are not so that you can better know who you truly are.

☼ Take back control over crafting your own life story and start living it.

Choose Your Pace

On every step of your journey, from a seasonal boost to a deep immersion into your energy blueprint, I’ve got you!

If you are not sure what is best for you, book a call HERE.




With this package, you are receiving:

☼ 6 x Healing Sessions (Value $2,382)

☼ 3 x Healing Process Audio (Value $297)

☼ 3 x Months of Extra Support (Value $1,191)

1 BONUS: The Root Chakra Course (Value $111)

=> 1 Self-paced audio courses to help you identify your energetic unbalances in your foundational chakra and learn empowering techniques to come back to yourself and stay grounded through your daily life.

It will be an essential part of your home practice during your journey but will also support you afterward.

Total Value: $3,981

Price: $2,997+GST

Please note that monthly payment options are available with a 15% increase in the total price.




With this package, you are receiving:

☼ 12 x Healing Sessions (Value $4,764)

☼ 6 x Healing Process Audio (Value $594)

☼ 6 x Months of Extra Support (Value $2,382)

3 BONUSES: Root + Sacral + Solar Plexus Chakra Course (Value $333)

=> 3 Self-paced audio courses to help you identify your energetic unbalances and learn empowering techniques to come back to yourself. The first three, or lower, chakras relate to your sense of safety, creativity, and power.

It will be an essential part of your home practice during your journey but will also support you afterward.

Total Value: $8,073

Price: $4,997+GST

Please note that monthly payment options are available with a 15% increase in the total price.




With this package, you are receiving:

☼ 24 x Healing Sessions (Value $9,528)

☼ 12 x Healing Process Audio (Value $1,188)

☼ 12 x Months of Extra Support (Value $4,764)

7 BONUSES: The Complete Chakra Course (Value $777)

=> 7 Self-paced audio courses to help you identify your energetic unbalances and learn empowering techniques to come back to yourself and stay aligned with your authentic vibration.

It will be an essential part of your home practice during your journey but will also support you afterward.

Total Value: $16,257

Price: $7,997+GST

Please note that monthly payment options are available with a 15% increase in the total price.


Are you ready to follow the call of your Vibrant Soul?

I am here to support you. Book in for that call. I look forward to speaking with you!

With love & light,


What past students say about it


“I was introduced to Fleur at a time in my life when I didn’t even know I had been carrying pain and trauma in my life (I had been so perfectly concealing it).

I had heard about energy healing but never had it practiced on me or had a real understanding of it.

Ever since going to Fleur, I can just say it has honestly just been unbelievable, I have been able to uncover so much of my past, acknowledging it and not letting it project into my current life.

Fleur‘s style is so unique - she is tender, caring comforting, and yet firm. If you feel stuck, hurt, looking for a change, can’t find answers, caught in old patterns, I highly recommend going to Fleur.

She has given me so many helpful tips even on a day to day basis with my energy and spiritual level. I can see a huge wave of change come upon me, in the way I speak, in the way I handle my emotions and even in parenting my kids. Fleur has been an absolute gift and I am so glad I found her.

Here are the results I have experienced:

I recommend Fleur to all the people I love and care about. She heals and lets you see areas of you in a way that is nurturing - and lets you see all sides of you ( the good, the bad, and the ugly).

She is realistic and understands the world she lives in. Brings modern practices and deep spiritual knowledge - she understands the western world and brings eastern practices so beautifully.

My healing sessions with fleur are the best gift to myself and my future life.

Short summary: An unbelievable experience, life-changing, one of the best investments I’ve ever made in myself. Highly recommend it.”

— Rabia Mashkoor, HR, Vancouver BC

“The reason I began working with Fleur was that I had felt stuck.

I had tried a lot of practices that hadn’t addressed some of the energetic and intergenerational patterns that had been keeping me stagnant.

Once I began working with Fleur, everything came together and began to unravel and become more clear.

In the year we worked together, I have grown immensely and have slowly deconstructed the familial patterns and my resistance that had been keeping me from transforming and becoming the best, most honest version of myself.

Fleur has changed my life and has supported me through a lot of uncovering and unlearning, and I am forever grateful.”

— Casey Miller, Tijuana, México

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